I never have never been a rabid pursuer of stretching, more like a casual advocate of the whole concept. I see its value and it makes perfect sense in many ways for warm-ups, cool-downs, and general movement when you’ve been still a bit too long. However, it can, (as most, if not all areas of fitness can be) over-used and outright abused. As such it has the capacity to cause as much harm as good. As with over-eating, over-training, over-working, or any other “over” thing you can name, “over-stretching” is also possible and has undesirable outcomes. If you over-stretch your structures, you can cause them to tighten up even more as opposed to release and loosen. This is because your body has a fine Goldilocks Zone sense of where your structures are supposed to be (according to your present context), and anything that pushes that boundary too far will cause your neurology to contract your tissues in protection of them. Overly-loose structures are no more favorable than overly tight ones from a functional point of view; you won’t move well or comfortably in either case.
Many people don’t stretch regularly, myself included. It’s very easy not to because it’s very easy not to think about it, and being it’s not a high priority for most, it doesn’t make the “Gee. I really want to/need to do that...” list. But, one day while I was in the, ahem, “throne room”, I mindlessly did a couple stretchy-type moves while in process of “throne room things” and thought “Eureka!”. Why not do a couple stretchy-type things when I visit the throne room? I have to be in there anyways, so why not optimize my time? I started doing this about a week or so ago, and I gotta tell ya, as it’s a very easy habit to acquire (because its not umpleasant), and again, you don’t have to spend a great deal of time devoted to it. Just a couple of moves done each or every other visit will do! Not sure what to do? Here’s a brief sampler. Bear in mind these all assume a seated position on the throne. For those of you who do more standing for throne room visits, feel free to make up your own position-appropriate versions!
1). Ragdoll stretch: while on the throne, drop your arms to your sides and bring your chest towards your knees and count to 10. This stretches your lower and mid-back. Do it twice if it so pleases you. For a more assertive version; place your hands on the front of your knees and pull your chest towards them (pull sensibly!).
2). Hammy stretch: straighten one leg and reach for your toes (or whatever), count to 10. Do the same for the other side. You can also place both feet out at once (be careful with this one!).
3). Side-bend reach: place one arm at your side, and try to touch your fingers to the floor. You can either do this as a “hold” stretch or a “pulse” stretch where you do mini-touches. Again, go for that 10 count.
5). Ceiling reach: raise one of your arms straight up overhead towards the ceiling, hold or pulse for 10, repeat with the other arm. To further lengthen the arm-up aide, do a bit of a side bend as well!
6). “IT Worker”/shoulder stretch: this one is a must for all office/IT workers. Reach both arms straight behind you and try to touch the tank of the throne. Can you touch it? Great! See if you can squeeze a bit for an enhanced effect! No hunching those shoulders allowed!
7). Adductor (inner) & Abductor (outer) thigh stretch: place your hand on the inside of one knee and pull lightly towards the outside, stretching your inner thigh (adductor), then place your hand on outside of your knee and lightly pull towards your middle stretching your outer thigh (abductor). Repeat with the other side, 10 counts, hold or pulse, as you like.
Pick and choose among the stretches, have fun with it, and above all, DO NOT make it a chore! Even if you pick just one here and there throughout the day you’ll be more productive than not doing any at all yes? As you’re likely aware, little efforts, done consistently, can add up to big results in the long term. The above are just a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to incorporate any favorite stretches you may know as best the positioning allows and invent your own variations! Again, you gotta be in there anyways, so…I’m just sayin’…