Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The most significant events in 2013

2013 was a year like any other, but as we reflect on it, a number of events that pass into history stand out. We should not forget where we were and celebrate that we survived another one. Each year that I pass through becomes more poignant for me. Maybe it's because I'm just getting older and find more ways to appreciate what I have. Maybe it's because of my personal history, and the fact that I'm still here and doing the things I love when I was given such a somber prognosis nearly eight years ago.

As each year passes, I find more reasons to hang around for just a bit longer. The children within our family that have come into this world, both here and in Korea, bring more joy and harmony than I ever imagined.

I may just be a sentimental old fart, but my life feels richer and the coming generation gives me hope that we will eventually solve many of the problems facing us.

With that being said, here's a look at the past year.
How did these events color your life... your view on the world... the steps you've taken?


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