Friday, July 10, 2015

10 Landmine Exercises You’ve Never Tried - and Should

I started doing Landmine exercises a while ago, and I find these can be some of the best workouts you can do. For me, they simulate movements you do in real life and they work more than a single set of muscles, giving you a better overall workout. 
I still have a long way to go with these, but I'm finding there are a whole range of workout circuits you can do with a Landmine setup, and you don't need others there for spotting, etc., yet you can move significant weight and get the workout you are looking for. Give this a try, you might find it worth your effort. 
Here is one site you can use to give you an idea of what comprises a Landmine exercise. Get off that treadmill and start strengthening you core.

Landmine conditioning


Unknown said...

My buddy and I came up with this 15 years ago when we owned the Underground Gym (UG). We also made a T-Bar adapter to slide over standard bench bar or olympic sized bench bars. Great addition. For more stretch to lats or back exercises stand on a block. We saw Arnold doing these in Venice and gym videos.

Unknown said...
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