Monday, January 07, 2019

7 Abs Exercises You Can Do Every Day for a Stronger Core

Do this core circuit before every workout and you’ll hit every angle of those abs.

Think of this circuit training routine as a mini-workout that can be done on its own or as a part of any other larger total-body workout you have planned. Katie Dunlop of Love Sweat Fitness crafted these moves so that you’ll hit every muscle in your core while still leaving room (read: energy) for you to make them a part of your everyday routine if you wanted. (P.S. Katie also has your recipe for cardio HIIT exercises that burn fat and reduce stress.)
Bottom line: There are officially no excuses for skipping core work. Get to it. 
How it works: You’ll perform each exercise in order for the reps allotted, then repeat the entire circuit twice or three times through depending on how long you want the workout to be.
Total Time: up to 30 minutes
You will need: No equipment

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