Monday, November 21, 2016

The Ultimate List Of 40 High-Protein Foods!

Pump up your protein intake, aisle by aisle, at the supermarket with's top 40 ultimate protein picks!
Let us count the reasons we're obsessed with protein. For one, you need enough of this benevolent macronutrient to build and repair muscle. It also plays a role in revving fat-burning metabolism and reducing the hunger pangs that can lead to an attack on the vending machine. Additionally, protein works to slow the release of carbohydrates into your bloodstream, which can prevent the sudden spikes in blood sugar that are thought to encourage fat storage and sagging energy levels.
Physique-minded individuals should seek out at least 1 g of protein for each pound of body weight to maintain and build muscle. To reach this lofty amount, however, you'll need to make sure your grocery cart is filled with a variety of high-protein fare. Unfortunately, today's supermarkets are flooded with processed foods that can quickly threaten your fitness gains.
That's why we thought it was about time to roll our editorial cart through the major supermarket sections to help you find the biggest protein wallop for your buck. That way you can load your trunk with the necessary building blocks for a body more chiselled than a Roman sculpture.
Check out our top 40 items to put on your protein-friendly grocery list!
And here's another source of info...

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