Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Eating Too Much? How Signaling Can Drive What You Eat (& What To Do About It)

from Precision Nutrition

Various signals within our brain can drive what, when, and how much we eat. If you’re eating too much, there’s hope, you can take back control!

It’s no secret that obesity rates have been rising in the U.S. (and other industrialized nations) for the past 30 years. It’s also no secret that Americans eat more than they used to by almost 425 calories per day since the early ’80s For decades, government officials, research scientists, and fitness pros blamed this on the inability to “push away from the table”. Diet book authors, TV doctors, and other nutrition experts tell us we’re gaining because of gluten, fats, fructose, or whatever the nemesis of the day is.

But, all this finger-wagging never really explains whyWhy are we eating so much food? And why is it so hard to stop? Part of the answer lies in our brains. Ever open up a bag of chips planning to have a small snack, only to find yourself peering into an empty bag, just a few moments later? Behind our decision-making processes are also physiological forces in play.

You see, deeper brain physiology drives what, when, and how much we eat — along with its co-pilots of hormones, fatty acids, amino acids, glucose, and body fat. For the most part, our conscious selves are less involved than we choose to be the case. In this article, we’ll explore: how our brains dictate so many of our food choices, how physiological elements can lead to weight gain, what we can do to take our power back.

Why do we decide to eat? Simply put, we eat for two reasons.
     Homeostatic eating: We eat to get the energy our body needs, and to keep our biological system balanced (aka homeostasis). (This is necessary, we have to eat to live.)
     Hedonic eating: We eat for pleasure (aka hedonism), or to manage our emotions. (This is unnecessary. we don’t have to do this, but all too often, we do, we live to eat).

Most meals are a mix of homeostatic and hedonic eating. We do know that ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”, stimulates our appetite. It peaks just before meals and falls during and immediately after eating. Yet ghrelin is not the only factor in hunger or the decision to eat.

Although taking in nutrients is as old as biology, we still don’t know why and how humans get hungry and decide to start eating. Hunger and eating is shaped by many factors, including: social cues, learned behavior, environmental factors, circadian rhythm, hormonal & genetic influences. As you can imagine, it’s complicated. Science still doesn’t have “the secret” to hunger and eating. (Yet.) We do, however, know a lot about why we stop eating.

Why do we stop eating? Once we’ve started eating, what makes us stop? This is in part influenced by satiation along with the perception of fullness you get during a meal that causes you to stop eating. When we eat a meal, two physiological factors work together to tell us to put down our fork and call it quits: gastric distension and hormonal satiation.

Gastric distension: When empty, your stomach can only hold about 2 fluid oz. When you eat, the stomach can expand to hold about 34 fluid oz, or at the extreme end, around 1 gallon. Your stomach is designed to stretch and expand, aka gastric distension. Your stomach is also designed to tell your brain about how much stretching is happening.

As your stomach expands to accommodate the incoming food, neurons in your stomach send this message to your brain via the vagus nerve, which runs from your head to your abdomen.

People who want to lose fat would do well to choose more nutritious yet low-energy and high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, beans, and legumes. Because these take up more stomach space, they can help us feel full, though we’re eating fewer calories. Unfortunately, though, gastric distension isn’t the full picture.

Hormonal satiation: While you eat, your GI tract and related organs (like the pancreas) tell many areas of the brain that food is coming in. Some of these signals travel up the vagus nerve, while others enter the brain by different routes. Some of the more important of these hormones are:
     Cholecystokinin (CCK): When we eat fat and protein, the gut releases CCK, telling your brain (through the vagus nerve) to stop eating.
     GLP-1 and amylin: Recent research indicates that GLP-1 may be the most unique, and important, satiation hormone. It seems to stimulate the production and release of insulin (a powerful satiation/satiety hormone itself) and slow down food moving from the stomach into the small intestine, among many other impressive mechanisms. Similarly, amylin is one of the few satiation/satiety hormones shown to actually reduce food intake.
     Insulin: When we eat carbs and protein, we release insulin. This tells your brain that nutrients are coming in, and eventually tells it to stop eating.

Many of these hormonal messages stick around. They can tell us to eat less at later meals, too. This is why you should think about your food choices and eating habits in the long-term — over the course of a day, a few days, or even a week. For instance, a high-protein breakfast might prevent you from overeating at dinner. Together, these physiological responses (along with other hormones and signals) help you feel full and know when to stop eating.
Because this is an information dense discussion, I’ll stop it here to give you time to absorb it in small chunks, but more great intel to come next week! The more you understand these types of processes, the better your chances for success in making mindful decisions about food, which of course leads to favorable weight management!

Despite their importance, the actions of various satiety hormones still aren’t the complete picture. What really matters to your weight and overall health, of course, is what you do consistently — i.e. the quality of your nutrition and how much you typically eat, day after day. Your body has a system for managing your long-term energy and nutrient needs. It’s called the leptin feedback loop.

Leptin is a hormone that’s released by fat tissue. Leptin tells the brain how much energy we’ve just consumed and how much excess energy we have stored up (as fat). The more body fat we have, the more leptin in our blood. The brain makes decisions based on leptin levels about hunger, calorie intake, nutrient absorption, and energy use and storage. Then, it cycles back to regulate leptin production in a loop that can help keep our energy (and body weight) balanced over time.

     If stored energy (fat) and leptin remain stable over time, we are more easily sated during and between meals. Smaller portions feel OK. And our metabolic rate stays high.
     If stored energy (fat) and leptin drop over time, it sends a message to the brain (mainly the hypothalamus, which links your nervous system with your endocrine system) that we need to start preventing starvation.

The brain responds to lower leptin levels with several anti-starvation strategies: We get hungry. Like real hungry. Like eat-your-own-arm hungry. We move around less. Our NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), or our daily movement like fidgeting, standing up, and anything other than purposeful exercise, goes down. The couch starts looking better and better.

We burn fewer calories through movement as our skeletal muscles become more efficient. Our metabolic rate slows down significantly (as seen in the infamous ”Biggest Loser” study). It follows, then, that if stored energy (fat) and leptin go up over time, you’ll want to eat less… right? Yes. Sort of.

Unfortunately, you can’t always count on that response. How much leptin will go up when you start eating more varies from person to person. And how your brain responds to increased leptin levels also varies from person to person.

Clearly, people’s physiologies vary a lot. In some people, when leptin rises, their brain decreases their appetite, and increases their NEAT output. In others, the response isn’t nearly so robust. That being said, most of the time, for most people: The leptin feedback loop works fairly well to naturally regulate our energy expenditure and consumption… until we disrupt it. However, the type of foods you eat can change your brain.

Assuming we’re properly nourished, that well-balanced leptin loop will tell us when we’ve had enough. It helps us feel satisfied and allows us to eat reasonable portions, comfortably. But that nicely balanced loop can become disrupted — quickly — when we eat certain types of food.

A diet filled with 
hyper-palatable, hyper-rewarding, heavily processed foods can overthrow the the brain’s “stop” signals. In plain English, this means so-called “junk foods” that are sweet, salty, creamy, and/or crunchy (maybe all at once), and full of chemical goodness that spins our pleasure dials… but contain relatively few actual nutrients. This type of diet prevents leptin from doing its job of regulating our energy balance. It can even make our brains inflamed and leptin resistant. We end up feeling less satisfied. We want to eat more, and our bodies even fight to hold on to the weight we gain.

Hyper-palatability: Palatability is more than just taste — it’s our whole experience of pleasure from a food. That includes taste as well as aroma, mouthfeel, texture, and the whole experience of eating. Palatability strongly influences how much we eat at meals.

That seems obvious: of course we eat more of the foods we like, and of course some foods are more pleasurable to eat than others. But some foods aren’t just palatable — they’re extremely palatable. They’re what you might call “too good”. Anything that you “just can’t stop eating” would fall into this category.

Reward value:  Along with palatability, some foods give us a “hit” or a reward from some type of physiological effect. We’ll go out of our way to get foods with a high reward value — in fact, we may learn to like them even if they don’t taste very good.

For instance, few people like black coffee or beer the first time they try them. But coffee has caffeine (yeah!) and beer has alcohol (double yeah!). Our brains like caffeine and alcohol. We learn quickly that coffee and beer are good things, and we learn to like (or at least tolerate) their taste. Over time we discover we like — maybe even can’t live without — them. We’ll wade through a crowded bar to buy a drink, we’ll stand in an absurdly long line for our afternoon coffee fix, and we’ll pay exorbitant amounts of money for relatively simple products.

We’ll also make room for high-reward foods even when we’re full. This is why at Thanksgiving, after moaning and groaning about how full you are, you miraculously make room for pie when it’s time for dessert.

Tasty + fun = no shutoff switch: Now, what happens when you put these two things — hyper-palatability (tasty) and high reward (fun) — together? A dangerous combination. We want these foods, we like these foods, and we’ll work hard to get them. When we do get them, we often don’t quit eating them and regulate our intake poorly..

These types of foods have a winning combination for keeping us interested and eating: energy density. i.e. a lot of calories in a small package. They have a high fat content, high refined starch and/or sugar content, saltiness, sweetness, pleasing and specific texture, such as creamy or crunchy, drugs, such as caffeine or alcohol, other flavor enhancers or additives to improve mouthfeel.

This magical mix is rarely found in nature. It is, however, often found in highly processed foods like cakes, cookies, pastries, pies, pizza, ice cream, fried foods, and so forth. Make something salty, and sweet, and starchy, and fatty, then add in some extra flavors and scents, appealing colors and a pleasing mouthfeel for good measure, and you have something that’s been scientifically engineered for us to over-eat.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Perspective: How Far You’ve Come With Your Transformation Journey

By Scott Tousignant

Have you faced moments during your body transformation when you felt like you’re not making any progress? Like your stuck and have hit a plateau? Of course you have. We all go through those experiences from time to time. In these moments, a little dose of perspective is exactly what the doctor ordered.

At 42 years old with nearly 30 years of lifting experience under my belt, building muscle is a VERY slow and steady process no matter how well optimize my workouts and nutrition for maximized muscle gains. When I compare my physique to one month ago or even three months ago, it’s very difficult to see the visual progress I’ve made.

If I didn’t know any better this would be a moment when I could cast doubt on myself, wondering if I truly was doing all of the right things to build a more impressive physique and look completely jacked.

This doubt would only be fueled more if I bought into the hyped-up claims you often see on the cover of fitness and health magazines and muscle building websites. You know… those workout programs that promise 20 to 30 pounds of lean muscle gained in just a couple short months.

But I do know better and I don’t buy into misleading marketing. Muscle gains have slowed down for me and I’m more than cool with that. Because, while my physical growth has slowed, my mindset growth has accelerated.

I’ve learned to truly embrace the process. To get lost in the moment. To marinate in every rep. To savour every bite. I’ve learned to find progress in other areas that I was blind to when I was solely focused on the physical changes. Because of this I’ve grown more as a person during the past 7 years than I did the previous 20.

I’ve gained a healthy fascination with the capabilities of the human body. I realize that just because the mind wants to quit at times, it doesn’t mean that your body isn’t capable of stepping up to the challenge and pushing further. I’ve also gained an appreciation for rest, recovery, and knowing when to pull back on the reigns.

Most important I’ve gained a lifelong outlook. Everything I do is in an effort to keep me enjoying this process for as long as possible. It’s my hope that I’ll still be curling dumbbells up to my final day on this planet. But as much as I can appreciate the slow muscle gains right now, it sure helps to get a healthy dose of perspective by reflecting on how far I’ve come in this journey.

This picture captures the difference in my appearance between the time when I was 18 years old vs 42 years young I’d say I’m aging gracefully! 😊

That’s a 25 pound difference in lean muscle between the two pics. It took me more than half my lifetime to accumulate that kind of mass. It may not be easy for me to build muscle, but it’s clear to see that my hard work has paid off. The best part though, is that I’ve enjoyed every step of the process.

That’s the perspective I’ve gained from the muscle building process. Now onto some reflections from my fat loss journey…

7 years ago I made the decision to get it together and finally carve out a physique that was congruent with who I AM. There’s a 40 pound difference between the two photos. But the expression on my face captures the deeper transformation. 

My confidence was at an all-time low. I was uncomfortable taking my shirt off in public. My stomach always felt full and bloated. My body was not a reflection of my core values. I had already dropped 12 pounds before taking that ‘before photo’ and by normal standards I looked pretty good at the start of my journey. But nobody ever accused me of being normal.

I admit that I hold myself to a higher standard. I own it. I’m proud of it. This isn’t me trying to live up to what I see in the magazines. It’s simply who I am and who I’ve always been. Life may have kicked me in the ass during that time in my life when I packed on the 50+ pounds of fat, but I believe it happened for a reason.

Not only can I relate to my clients on a deeper level, but I’ve grown beyond measure from the ongoing transformation process. It’s really brought out the best in me. I’ve learned to become much more in-tune with what makes me tick. My level of awareness has been heightened and I am much more grounded in the moment. 7 years later and I’m still learning and growing. That’s the beauty of this lifestyle. You get to explore your limitless potential.

In Summary: As you can see, a little perspective can go a long way. It blows my mind to see the achievements I made during my fat loss journey. I’m even more taken back when I see the improvements I’ve made to my physique from the muscle building journey. But the earth-shattering perspective is when you combine both the fat loss and muscle building journeys. Reflecting on everything that happened in order to get me to where I am today.

Success rarely, if ever, happens over-night. It’s not until you take the time to peel back the layers that you truly see how all of the obstacles, set-acks, challenges, mini victories, and moments of clarity went into sculpting the person you’ve become.
So, take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. Then take a moment to think of how you want to continue growing. Then ground yourself in the moment and soak up this incredible journey. Because it’s rewarding beyond measure.

Sculpt a Masterpiece, Scott Tousignant

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Use It Or Lose It; Understanding Muscle Atrophy

by Joerd Langness, NASM CPT, CES, PES

It is easy to keep our focus on the great things that occur from having a healthy and active lifestyle. We know so much about the benefits of exercise and get excited about how our bodies can improve. Something not quite as uplifting is what occurs if someone isn’t or can’t be active, which is muscle atrophy. It is often said, “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” but it is rarely discussed what exactly “it” is. With our bodies being so complex it is important to have an understanding of what occurs when getting in shape and when we start down the deconditioning path.

What is Muscle Atrophy? Muscle atrophy is a term used to describe the loss of muscle. Atrophy may occur 
from injury, starvation, disease, bed rest, nerve damage, and other health-related issues. To understand how our bodies could be affected by experiencing muscle atrophy we need to think of how we rely on our muscles. The muscular system provides strength, endurance in movement, stabilization, and protection. Muscles are able to contract and relax, moving or stabilizing the joints they cross. If atrophy has occurred, then the motion that would normally happen at the joint would be compromised. This would mean less strength and endurance during the movement, along with potentially less stabilization around the joints crossed. Atrophy can leave our bodies at a higher risk of injury due to lack of neural control of muscles that would normally be responsible for stabilizing and coordinating movement.

Is it Size or Strength? When muscle atrophy occurs, do we lose just muscle size or do we lose strength as well? To answer this we need to know what occurs in the body when size and strength are gained.

Hypertrophy is the growth of skeletal muscle fibers in response to overcoming force from high volumes of tension. It occurs when muscle cells regenerate from progressive resistance training programs.. Hypertrophy can also be described as an increase in the cross-sectional area of the muscle. This result is from an increase in the size and number of myofibrils per muscle cell, as well as an increase in structurally-related muscle tissue, such as ligaments and tendons along with an increase in stored nutrients and enzymes in the muscle fibers to break down and resynthesize and store muscle fuel. This process helps in activities that involve strength, power and speed. With this increase in muscle mass other soft tissue will be more tolerable to higher amounts of stress without damage. Muscle atrophy would reverse these hypertrophy benefits. This muscle loss would result in loss in strength, stabilization of skeletal structure, and durability of resisting forces from opposing tension.

Hypertrophy can occur without major increases in strength, but there has also been shown a correlation of increases in strength as well as in the cross-sectional area of muscle. Strength is the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce internal tension in order to overcome an external load. The ability to gain strength can occur without dramatically increasing size. Gaining strength but not size directly relates to changes in the nervous system. This increase is from the coordination of muscles during weight training exercise — an increase in synchronization, recruitment, and firing of motor units.

There are variables that come into play to determine if you are going to gain size or maximal strength. By lifting heavy loads, keeping lower repetitions (1-5), having longer rest periods (3-5 min.), and nourishing your body without having a caloric surplus you’ll have the ability to improve strength with little to no gain in size.

Training Goal                 Reps        Sets       % Intensity             Rest
Hypertrophy                      6-12         3-5       75-85% !RM          0-60 sec  
Maximum Strength            1-5          4-6       85-100% 1RM        3-5 min

If muscle atrophy occurs for individuals that have trained more for strength over size, they will still suffer from the same losses that one would from training for size. There would be a loss of strength, loss of neuromuscular coordination, a loss of endurance, and an increase in injury risk. Muscle atrophy isn’t just about losing size, it will also be a loss in strength.

Does muscle turn to fat if you don’t work out? For years the urban legend that muscle turns to fat has been on the minds of many. The conversations regarding this concept have reverberated through the rows of exercise machines and the walls of locker rooms. It’s time to let this urban legend and gym rat campfire ghost story finally go away.

As we dive into the subject of muscle atrophy, many think if you lose muscle that it has to go somewhere, so it must turn into fat. When muscle atrophy occurs it is most often from lack of activity for an extended period of time. As protein degradation exceeds protein res-synthesis your muscles are shrinking and your metabolism is likely requiring less calories to support the muscle. If you are losing muscle and you seem to be increasing body fat, it is most often due to a caloric surplus from not moving as much and consuming too many calories. This shift seems to be why people have assumed that muscle turns to fat.

By not regularly strength training and not having a proper nutrition plan in place, there is a much greater chance of body fat increasing. This is not because your muscle turned to fat, it’s because the ideal environment was created for fat stores to grow, and the worst opportunity for muscle to develop.

Minimum needed to maintain strength (and size)? The concept of bare minimum work to maintain size and strength is challenging because of how complex our bodies truly are. Ideally, if we were nourishing our bodies properly with the right quality and quantity of what we needed, were handling stress well, keeping in proper homeostasis and all other systems were running well, the average person may maintain their body’s strength and size with just 2 to 3 resistance training workouts a week. (Don’t forget to include cardio training as part of your overall fitness routine!).

The problem that happens is that we do not live in the perfect scenario to keep ourselves in a maintenance phase. Many factors become challenges. This includes hitting a plateau, meaning if your body is no longer receiving the increased stimulus it once received from your workouts, you may not experience the same benefits you once did. If stress has increased in your life, cortisol levels may hinder your ability to maintain your strength and size. If sleep is compromised, this could also impact your progress.

Knowing the bare minimum to maintain strength is good, but do not lose site that fitness programs need to progress, typically every 4 to 8 weeks. Another consideration is to also know your numbers in other aspects of fitness and health. Know your 1 repetition max (1 RM) for various exercises, your VO2 score for cardio and your body fat percentage as well. If you have access to metabolic testing and blood panels, these are also important to know. Being proactive is key to keeping your size and strength.

How long can you go before strength begins to decrease? Studies have shown that within a week there are molecular signs of atrophy. Depending on the muscle group, the time varies, with lower body muscles showing signs of atrophy quicker.

What if looking to “debulk”? For anyone wanting to “debulk” or reduce muscle size, look first at items that could give you clarity if that’s truly the goal. Losing muscle is actually a lot easier than losing fat and yet more difficult to gain back. If you find out through monitoring your body fat percentage that you can stand to actually lose fat instead, my recommendation would be to focus efforts toward that goal.

Controlling Atrophy Homeostasis is the balance of our sympathetic (flight or flight) system and parasympathetic (rest, restore and recover) system. To maximize results and improve performance these systems need to be balanced. Our muscles are similar in needing muscular homeostasis (periods of work offset by periods of recovery).

Exercise routines need to be progressive and challenging, but also allow for proper recovery. Assessments need to be given to ensure proper body mechanics during the exercises. If synergistic dominance is occurring muscles may no longer be participating in an ideal length tension relationship, which may result in atrophy of compensated muscles. By addressing these compensations and including the needed techniques to correct them the body can be brought back to moving with efficiency.

When I think of atrophy I think of the grim reaper for meat heads. As we age, atrophy is what we should fight to avoid at all costs. Like many challenges we face in our pursuit of improving performance and getting healthier, it takes a whole life approach. Every aspect of your life plays a role in your success. By developing a positive relationship with physical activity and lifestyle behaviors, atrophy will hopefully be something you avoid.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Amy Alkon — Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence

This is a pretty good listen.

In this unique conversation Michael Shermer talks with the science writer and weekly advice columnist Amy Alkon about her new book, Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence. She calls her book a “science-help” book, instead of “self-help” because she grounds her recommendations in solid science. Her hilarious anecdotes are there just to illustrate a scientific point. She also debunks widely-accepted but scientifically unsupported notions about self-esteem, shame, willpower, and more and demonstrates that:
  • Thinking your way into changing (as so many therapists and self-help books advise) is the most inefficient way to go about it.
  • The mind is bigger than the brain, meaning that your body and your behavior are your gym for turning yourself into the new, confident you.
  • Fear is not just the problem; it’s also the solution.
  • By targeting your fears with behavior, you make changes in your brain that reshape your habitual ways of behaving and the emotions that go with them.
Shermer and Alkon also get into the #metoo movement, evolutionary psychology, politics, depression, suicide, Jordan Peterson, and other fascinating topics.
Listen to Science Salon via iTunesSpotifyGoogle Play MusicStitcheriHeartRadioTuneIn, and Soundcloud.
This remote Science Salon was recorded on July 5, 2018.