Saturday, January 14, 2006

Back to normal... sort of

Recovering from the holidays is underway and as a result the annual tradition of having more to do than time allows is also in full swing. Sometimes I feel like I'm at the precipice of chaos, without ever quite falling off it. Of course the load of stuff will eventually diminish and I’ll once again begin to feel like I have control over my time.

Sue and I got the last remaining links of Artha Gallery up and running, although there is still merchandise left to get on the site. This takes a little pressure off, and I can focus on some other matters for a bit.

The iPod Nano I got for Christmas makes my workouts at the gym seem a little less boring. I still am having trouble getting the after-holiday blues out of my system, so the momentum required to get my butt to the gym is ever-present.

Right now all I want to do is have some quiet time with Sue and forget about all of this other stuff.

1 comment:

Tink said...

Thanks, Jun. Sometimes finding the time to write and keep this blog going takes a bite out of the day I don't always have. It seems like we have a dozen things to do, and they all need to be done first, which makes it tough to get organized. Not all of them require money to do, but they all require a significant investment of time.

I want to get this back into a regular routine and start talking about things that matter. We'll see how it goes.