Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tread lightly, take only pictures, steal only time, leave only footprints

The author of this quote is unknown, but it has been used over and over by many sources for as long as I can remember.

As a life long hiker, wilderness backpacker, and mountaineer, I took this simple phrase as a kind of mantra. I've been to an unnumbered list of places, and did my best to leave as little impact as possible at each. However, as I have gotten older and more introspective, I began to ponder if this simple phrase didn't have a deeper meaning, waiting under the surface for us to discover. I've heard it and said it myself many times, so did it, or was I just looking for something that wasn't there?

Maybe having children and then a grandchild has altered my thinking. I have lost my parents and a brother through their passing. I have also suffered the untimely loss of friends, people I deeply respected or admired, and others who, although they never knew me, impacted my life in ways I never thought possible. Looking at my life and all of my experiences, both good and bad, has molded me into the person I am, but not necessarily the one I chose to be.

Then I began to see something else in it, like discovering the hidden magic in an unhurried sunrise on a Spring morning. This was less about the physical steps I've been taking, and more of a testimonial on how to live... and reach the end of what you can only hope will be a long and enjoyable life. So I asked myself...

Will I leave behind me footprints that others can feel, enjoy, and know of the kind of person I was? Have I left a pleasing, memorable, and lasting impression for those I loved, those that only knew me, and others who will come to know me through my actions and deeds, and stories others will tell about me?

What about you? 
Did you take only pictures? Did you steal only time?

What kind of footprints will YOU leave?

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