Friday, December 27, 2013

Sucralose - Is it worth the risk?

This post is another from my good friend, Marlene Harris, from her fitness newsletter.

When my granddaughter was quite a bit younger than she is now, she had some issues with artificial sweeteners. The doctor told us at the time tat we should avoid things like sucralose. In time she would grow accustomed to it, but since then we have become very conscious of the things it is in, for her sake. To our surprise, this chemical is in more than we ever though possible, and judging from the following report, we have good reason to be concerned... not just for our granddaughter's welfare, but for our own as well.

Read through it and see if there is enough in it to make you question exclusion of this from your own diet. It's nearly impossible to eliminate but by making wise choices and reading every label, you can limit your intake.

We have.


Sucralose's (Splenda) Harms Vastly Underestimated: Baking Releases Toxic Compounds  11/30/13  by Sayer Ji, Founder
A new, in-depth review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, is destined to overturn widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener.
Found in tens of thousands of products and used by millions of consumers around the world, sucralose's unique ability to dissolve in alcohol and methanol as well as water, makes it the most versatile and therefore most widely used artificial sweetener in production today. However, its popularity is no indication or guarantee of its safety. As with the widespread use of other “safety approved” artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose has been linked to a wide range of serious health conditions including brain damage.

But the tide may be turning...Already this year, the Center for the Public Interest in Science downgraded Splenda from "safe" to "caution," citing their need to evaluate a forthcoming Italian study linking the artificial sweetener to leukemia in mice as a basis for their decision. Another recent human study linked Splenda to diabetes-associated changes, calling into question its value as a non-calorie sweetener for those suffering with, or wishing to prevent, blood sugar disorders.
The new study, however, may be the most concerning yet to surface in the peer-reviewed literature. Titled, "Sucralose, a synthetic organochlorine sweetener: overview of biological issues," it reveals an extensive array of previously underreported safety concerns, not the least of which is the formation of highly toxic chlorinated compounds, including dioxins, when Splenda is used in baking, an application which its manufacturer, McNeil Nutritionals (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson), actively encourages it to be used for.
Cancer-Causing Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Compounds Formed When Splenda (Sucralose) Is Cooked: Perhaps the most concerning issue in the report is the 'Safety of Sucralose That Has Been Heated.' According to the paper, sucralose was reported to be heat stable at temperatures used in cooking. But they cite a number of reports from independent laboratories showing that sucralose undergoes thermal degradation when heated. One study showed that the stability of sucralose decreased as the temperature and pH increased, with the breakdown process commencing at 246 degrees (F) and temperatures of 356 degrees (F) causing the release of chloride ions. Additionally, they refer to research showing that sucralose can break down into other concerning compounds when heated that include known genotoxic, carcinogenic and tumorigenic compounds.
Chlorinated compounds like dioxins and DDT are notorious for being both highly toxic and resistant to breaking down once released into the environment, which is why they are classified as 'persistent organic pollutants.' Splenda was launched in 2000 with tagline "Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar," until it retired this slogan in 2007 after settling with its rival, Merisant Co., the maker of Equal, who accused the makers of Splenda of intentionally confusing consumers into thinking its product was more natural and healthier than other artificial sweeteners.

Today's research clearly indicates that sucralose is a toxic chemical that we should go to great lengths to avoid rather than something we should intentionally add to our food. You will also find a growing body of research that indicates that sucralose not only does not break down in the environment, but survives water treatment plant purification techniques, with the inevitable consequence that it is accumulating in concentrations in our drinking water and the environment that may adversely impact humans and wildlife alike.

The discovery that thermal breakdown through cooking can lead to the formation of highly toxic and equally persistent chlorinated compounds, including dioxins, should raise a series of red flags for consumers, manufacturers and regulators as the information becomes more widespread. A cursory perusal of the World Health Organization's description of 'Dioxins and their effects on human health,' which lists it as belonging to the "dirty dozen" of the world's most dangerous pollutants, will see what is at stake here.

A Dizzying Array of Other Splenda (Sucralose) Safety Concerns That Have Never Been Adequately Tested: In addition to the most recent finding on thermal breakdown, the study argues that, despite its widespread approval and use, further scientific safety research is warranted due the following significant findings:

"Sucralose alters metabolic profile and its chronic effects on body weight are unknown": both animal and human research indicates sucralose may raise blood sugar and insulin levels, indicating it may have diabetes-facilitating properties.
"Sucralose alters expression of various intestinal flora": While classified as a food additive, sucralose's structure indicates it interferes with a wide range of medications, and activates detoxification pathways and enzymes.

"The metabolic fate and health profile of sucralose metabolites (by-products) are currently in question": Contrary to statements in the research literature that sucralose passes through the body in the feces 'unchanged,' metabolites have been detected in the urine and feces of both animals and humans. The health consequences are unknown.

"Sucralose alters intestinal bacterial balance: Sucralose (delivered as Splenda) has been found to reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointesintal tract such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, while increasing the more detrimental bacteria such as enterobacteria. One study found the adverse effects on flora did not return to normal after a 3-month recovery period. Sucralose also altered the pH of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Sum, numerous toxicological issues regarding long-term exposure to sucralose are unresolved": 1) DNA damage, and possible adverse larger scale genetic alterations. 2) The generation of toxic compounds during baking, including chloropropanols, 1,6-DCF and dioxins. 3) The bioaccumulation of sucralose and/or its metabolites, and their effects, 4) The interaction between sucralose and/or its metabolites with medications.

The Acceptable Daily Intake of Splenda (Sucralose) May Have Been Set 100's of Times Too High To Ensure Safety: Lastly, an equally concerning issue addressed by the paper is the problem of the acceptable daily intake (ADI). The FDA approved an ADI for humans of 5 mg/kg/day in 1998 based on toxicity studies in rats by determining a “no-observed-effect” level of 500 mg/kg/day, and then applying a 100-fold safety factor. Since then, research has showed that the no-“observed-effect level” in the gut bacteria of rats for Splenda is actually as low as 1.1 mg/kg/day – 454 times lower than first determined. If the biological effects of sucralose in rats and humans are the same or similar, then significant effects would also be expected in humans far below the accepted daily intake.

For additional research on sucralose's adverse health effects, visit our research page that collates peer-reviewed research on its toxicological properties. It’s best to use natural sweeteners not associated with these adverse effects, such as stevia, xylitol, or erythritol.

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