Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Navigating cancer, eight years later.

I Google myself periodically. I think it is a good practice everyone should do from time to time. You learn a lot about yourself. The things you do, write about, and post for the world to see are there practically forever. Some of this is good reading, like what you would like others to know about yourself. Other things may be things you wish you hadn't posted.

I, for one, think I've been pretty good about what I've done digitally. I don't think there is much of anything out there I regret. Maybe it's because I am a little older and have experienced personal computers from their beginnings. There are many great things out there to explore and learn, but the road is also increasingly paved with rocks and pitfalls. Don't let your enthusiasm blind you from the dangers of it though, waiting to lure you into some place you shouldn't venture.

I love the many things it has placed at our fingertips. Education is just a click away. Reference material on any subject is at your fingertips. Songs, videos, and books from just about any time period can be yours, just by searching for them.

In my search for myself, I ran across a journal I kept for a period during my initial encounter with cancer. You can find it at My experiences with Glioblastoma MultiformeI cover the period of March 18, 2006 to June 19, 2009. It's an interesting read, if you have the time, and it  might give a hint of why am the person I am now. I know I am different. You can't go through something like that and not be affected.

Coming up on eight years of being cancer free has given me a new appreciation for a lot of things I took for granted. I'm not necessarily stopping to smell the roses a lot more, but I have at least have come to appreciate their place along the path.

I haven't gotten a lot better at doing the things I should, but I'm at least improving at finding out what they are.

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