Sunday, June 15, 2014

A tribute to my brother Tracy on Father's Day

My brother Tracy died five years ago, on June 11. It's hard to believe this much time has passed, because he is still with me in some way on most days.

My brother Tracy wasn't a king; he wasn't a rock star; he wasn't a leader in his chosen field. However, to those that knew him, he was all of those things. He had his flaws like we all do, but you would not find a more giving and kind person around.

He fiercely loved his girls and put their needs first. He didn't have a lot, but he gave them everything he could. He always wanted to be closer to them, but circumstances and the "system" blocked his way at every turn. This never stopped him from trying though.

He was creative and had ideas that never made it to the world that could appreciate them... and he had more common sense in his little finger than most people develop in a lifetime. He never understood the avarice and treacherous behavior in people, and as a result, found himself getting hurt by the people he most trusted. This was his greatest disappointment.

In spite of all this, he was a good dad, and I was proud to call him my brother.

This is for you, Tracy.
May you find peace in wherever your soul takes you.
We love you and miss you.

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