Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Internet Radio

I don't know how many of you out there listen to internet radio, but there a couple of sites I have been enjoying for many years.

One of them is Digitally Imported. They offer nearly 80 channels of music and worth exploring. It's mostly a wide range of techno categories, but also one called Space Dreams, which I use to keep me cool when I have to concentrate aand still drown out the ambient noise around me.

The other was called, but they have just changed their name to RadioTunes. This another slice of music covering music ranging from R&B, Classic Rock, Bollywood, Meditation, to Russian Pop, and everything in between.

You can listen for free, but a subscription will give you 24 hours a day commercial free music. If you haven't heard of them, give them a try. They are there waiting for you.

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