Sunday, October 26, 2014

Noah's Ark and me

If you've never heard the story of Noah' Ark, then you are one of the few who haven't. This story is everywhere and has been for a long time. It was part of the foundation for my own religious upbringing.
I accepted it as a true story and like our own memory of some things, I remember the good things about the story and selectively forget what doesn't fit into the wonderful story I remember. 
This little animation was created and reminds us of all of the story, not just the parts we choose to remember. For your viewing entertainment here is Noah's Ark-God, Giraffes & Genocide.
Of  course you know that this story is not the first story like this Noah's Ark is Plagiarized. Here's how we know ... and while we are on the subject of plagiarizing, did you know that the The Ten Commandments are ripoffs of privious other holy books from other cultures? Well they are.
You might ask... 'How can you say this?'. Well, I have felt this way for an inordinately long time. Life, logic, and plausible reasoning have shown me I have been right all along. It is only now that I voice it so others may know... and you know something, I am not aloneIt may not work for everyone and how they wish to live their life, I think everyone should find their own bliss and the thing that makes them happy and go with it. 
I feel I can say, I've found mine.


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