Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A long healthy life with exercise

I've made no secret about my having had a pretty ugly brain tumor in my past. It was a dark time in my life, but I got through it, and not just sort of, not just survived... I made the kind of changes that exceeded any expectations anyone ever had for me some nine years ago. If you're interested, you can find a revisit of it I wrote back in May of this year.


Once a survivor, you never forget it


Anyway, I was still not in the kind of shape I wanted to be in as I got older. I weighed too much to satisfy my liking (and my health) and my feeble attempts at working out were not making any significant changes. 


That's when I found the trainer I'm working with now. Danny is not your boilerplate trainer, and if he had been, we would not still be working together now. We've been meeting steadily for a while now and I have to say he has physically turned me into a different person. I've lost about 15 lbs. so far and am on track to reach my original goal by this fall. I'm starting to shred the kind of fat so hard to get rid of and I am doing things I didn't think were possible for someone at my age. 


Am I stoked? Yes, you could say I am. Danny (seriously) pushes me every time we meet, and it has encouraged me to do the same when he's away. Because of him, I've discovered I really don't know what my limits are anymore, because I've already surpassed the ones I had set for my self. Who knew!


Now, I want to use what I've done to encourage others. I still have what I feel is a long way to go to approach my "new" goals, but this journey has taught me that almost anything is possible if you believe in yourself, but also have the right person to help get you there.


If you've ever pondered anything like this, here are a couple sites to help get you inspired. Lifestyle changes are a big part of this, but push that popcorn away and get moving. 

Every Minute Of Exercise Could Lengthen Your Life Seven Minutes



A long healthy life with exercise


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