Wednesday, December 21, 2016

In Honor of Carl Sagan on the 20th Anniversary of His Death

In my humble opinion, Carl Sagan was one of the most brilliant and far thinking human this world has ever had the privilege of knowing. It's hard to believe it has been 20 years since he died. Fortunately for us and the state of our technology, we have preserved his image and the discussions he gave us for consideration. The tone, cadence, and delivery of of his conversations made them that much more fascinating. Here is just a sample of them. I encourage you to listen to them, seek out and read his books, and examine the knowledge he was trying to get us to absorb. There is so much more for us to know. Carl Sagan is gone, but you are still here and can make a difference. How will you use it to benefit the people around you?


Man In His Arrogance

A Universe Not Made For Us

We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness

Carl Sagan On Humanity

God: A Reassuring Fable

A Way of Thinking

10 Times Carl Sagan Blew Our Minds

Carl Sagan - The Demon Haunted World (FULL)

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