Tuesday, August 22, 2017

4 Popular Diets: The Pros & Cons of Gluten-Free, Paleo, Detox, & Ketogenic Approaches

A high-school reunion, New Year’s Eve, the start of summer. Certain times of the year prompt a renewed commitment to getting your health, fitness and nutrition in order. We may want the nutrition part of the solution to lie in a perfect “new” diet, such as the gluten-free, paleo, detox and ketogenic programs that may be on your radar right now.

You may be asking yourself what these words even mean—and if you should be following one of these diet plans. Below is an overview of some of the pros and cons of each, along with a list of foods you are allowed and not allowed to eat.

One note before you dig in: Remember that nutrition is not one-size-fits-all. I fully believe that there is not one right way for all of us to eat. What works for your best friend or brother may not be the best choice for you. If you choose to start a new nutrition plan, I recommend (in addition to consulting with a registered dietician) you find a strategy that works for your schedule, health (physical and mental), budget, cooking ability and, well, your whole life. Whatever diet plan you choose, you won’t continue with it if it’s not a good fit overall.

Gluten-Free Diet: This diet excludes foods containing the protein gluten, which is found in some plant foods. It is primarily used to treat celiac disease, gluten intolerance and often general irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.
   What foods are included? Foods that do not contain gluten, such as:
Fruits and vegetables, most dairy products, meat, fish and poultry, beans, nuts and seeds (including flaxseed)Grains that don’t contain gluten protein, such as amaranth, cornmeal and rice
   What foods are avoided? Any grain-based product containing gluten protein, including: wheat, barley, rye, triticale & any foods made in a factory with these grains.
   What are the pros?
Relieves symptoms and complications for those with related health conditions affected by these items, & overall, could decrease intake of refined/processed foods.
   What are the cons?
Difficult to follow, restricts people from potentially healthy foods, gluten-free substitutions may be higher in calories, & could increase heart attack risk in people who do not have celiac disease

   Paleo (Caveman) Diet: This diet is based on foods that our ancient ancestors may have consumed, primarily ones that could be hunted or gathered.
   What foods are included?
Meat, chicken, turkey and pork, fish, & eggs, fresh fruit, non-starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds, plant-based oils, such as coconut, grapeseed, olive and walnut.
   What foods are avoided? Grains, including oats, wheat and barley, starchy vegetables (like potatoes), beans and legumes, dairy products, sugar, processed foods, salt
   What are the pros?
Could increase fruit and vegetable intake, could decrease intake of processed, high-sugar and high-sodium foods, could lead to weight loss primarily due to limited food choices
   What are the cons?
Low in carbohydrates, which is dangerous for athletes and negatively impacts performance, may result in nutrient deficiencies, high in fat, which could lead to weight gain

Detox Diet: This diet’s intention is to eliminate toxins from the body. (Note: The body naturally detoxifiesitself via the kidneys, liver and spleen, and it eliminates them through perspiration, urine, & solid waste.)
   What foods are included?
Fruit and vegetable juices and water, some detoxes allow fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables
   What foods are avoided?
Solid foods, & few allow whole grains and flaxseed
   What are the pros?
Could reduce alcohol and caffeine intake, decreased intake of high-fat and highly processed foods, encourages eating more plant-based foods.
   What are the cons?
Weight loss is from fluid loss and loss of muscle mass, weight regain is rapid when diet is discontinued, reduction of metabolic rate, making it more difficult to keep weight off, may result in nutrient deficiencies

   Ketogenic Diet: This diet is a low-carb, high-fat program that uses fat for fuel. It was originally designed to treat epilepsy. It is being looked at as part of a treatment plan for certain cancerous tumors and for blood sugar control and now as a weight-loss method. The ketogenic diet, just as the paleo diet, has been moving through the athlete population, especially with endurance athletes.
   What foods are included?
Meat and fatty fish, eggs, full-fat dairy products, such as butter, cream and cheese, nuts and seeds. oils, avocados, low-carb vegetables, such as leafy greens, asparagus, cucumbers and celery
   What foods are avoided?
Added sugar and foods that contain it, such as ice cream, pudding and sugary drinks, grains, fruit, beans and legumes, alcohol, milk.
   What are the pros?
Lowers blood glucose levels, may decrease inflammation, can promote rapid weight loss
   What are the cons?
May result in nutrient deficiencies
May result in electrolyte abnormalities
May increase risk of heart disease
May cause lack of energy

 Now that you are armed with a bit more information regarding some of the trending fad diets, make an informed decision and know that the greatest success comes from what you can incorporate into your life. If you choose any eating style or exercise program, be sure that you can adjust it for your life and maintain the changes for the long term.

One of the best ways of empowering yourself regarding your health, nutrition or fitness is seeking knowledge. Do your research and be informed. Invest some time researching before investing in the next fad. Please also consult with a physician and a registered dietitian.


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy). 2014. The gluten-free diet: Building the grocery list. Accessed July 22, 2017. http://www.eatright.org/resource/health/diseases-and-conditions/celiac-disease/the-gluten-free-diet-building-the-grocery-list

Academy. 2017. 2014. Grains to avoid if you have celiac disease. Accessed July 22,2017.

Academy. 2015. Should we eat like our caveman ancestors? Accessed July 22, 2017.

Academy. Staying away from fad diets. Accessed July 22, 2017. http://www.eatright.org/resource/health/weight-loss/fad-diets/staying-away-from-fad-diets

Academy. 2017. What’s the deal with detox diets? Accessed July 22, 2017. http://www.eatright.org/resource/health/weight-loss/fad-diets/whats-the-deal-with-detox-diets

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