Thursday, March 29, 2018

The 5 Best Vegan Protein Powders, According to Nutritionists

Raise your hand if you're a vegan and you're freaking sick of tofu. Sure, getting enough protein is crucial on a plant-based diet. But why is tofu always the default option? Enough is enough.

Enter vegan protein powder. Back in the day, vegan protein powders tasted, well, revolting, says Las Vegas vegan nutritionist Andy Bellatti. But times have changed. “Many are now very low in sugar or come in newer flavors like salted caramel, coconut, or chai,” he says. And they’re not all soy either. Popular brands are also made from hemp, brown rice or pea protein.

Even if you’re not vegan, plant-based protein powders are worth checking out. “Some misconceptions about vegan protein powders are that you can’t get enough protein with them, or they won’t keep you full or provide all the essential amino acids,” says Carolyn Brown, registered dietitian at Foodtrainers in Manhattan. In fact, many vegan powders contain 15 to 22 grams of protein per serving. Compare that to whey protein powders, which generally contain 20 to 25 grams of protein per scoop.

They've also got a ton of fiber. “Because of the high fiber content, the exciting thing about plant protein is that it takes a while for your body to digest,” says Khorana. “The more your body works on metabolizing the plant protein you have eaten, the better your body is at burning the extra fat you are trying to get rid of.”

Try spiking your smoothies, ice coffee, coconut water or pancake mix, suggests Priya Khorana, New York nutritionist and exercise physiologist. You can make breakfast balls by mixing protein powder with your favorite nut butter and oats and rolling them in chia or hemp seeds, says Monica Auslander, a registered dietician from Miami. Bellatti also recommends using protein powders as a base for coconut macaroons. Curious? Here's your guide to the best vegan protein powders (and the key differences between them):

1). Pea protein is having a moment. Why? It's complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that you need to consume to effectively build muscle. “It’s actually one of the best plant-based forms of protein that you can eat and, when flavored and sweetened well, has a uniquely pleasant taste,” says Khorana.

2). Brown rice is considered to be the least allergenic of the plant protein sources (a.k.a. least likely to trigger food allergies) and is full of B vitamins, which aid muscle metabolism and growth. Yet it’s not considered a complete protein on its own. “That means you will need to pair it with tofu, quinoa, or beans to round out the nutrients you need,” says Khorana.

3). Hemp protein powder, which is derived from the hemp seed, has a lower protein count (at around 15 grams per serving) than some other plant sources, but it’s highly digestible. “This means that it can work as a pre-gym supplement that will not cause stomach issues during your workout,” says Khorana. Despite its higher fat content than other sources, it contains a ton of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

4). Blends (made from a few different plant-based proteins) can help vegans diversify their protein intake. “There are so many products on the market, it can be overwhelming,” says Brown. “I like a diversity of protein sources like hemp, pumpkin seeds, and pea protein, with low sugar content and ideally a few grams of fiber.”

5). Soy is a vegan standby for a reason. Soy protein powder consists of fiber, isoflavones, and essential amino acids needed for muscle growth. It's also is a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, and omega 3-fatty acids. “It’s easily digestible and has a palate-pleasing smooth consistency when added to foods and shakes,” says Khorana. Still, there’s concern that soy acts like estrogen in the body and increases one’s risk of developing breast cancer. Although the American Cancer Society says it’s okay to eat soy in moderation, experts are cautious about consuming too much in supplement form—so stick to the recommending serving size on the package to be safe.

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