Monday, May 07, 2018

Discipline is More Than Just “Sticking to the Plan”

by Scott Tousignant

Discipline is the cornerstone of sculpting a healthy, impressive physique. It’s a large portion of consistently following the nutrition and workout plan that is designed to help you achieve your goal. This means that if you have a hectic schedule you may need to set the alarm early, avoid hitting the snooze button, and crawl out of your warm comfortable bed while everyone else is sleeping.

Or, you may need to hit the gym immediately after an exhausting day of work while resisting the urge to head home and kick your feet up. At times you’ll need to say “no” to food temptations, avoid between meal or night time snacking, and go to bed feeling a little hungry. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish in improving your fitness, you’ll need to make some sacrifices along the way. As such, there will be moments when you will suffer a bit.

Discipline is the act of sticking to the plan and moving forward in spite of these sacrifices and suffering. However, the real power of discipline is not the act itself. It’s how the act shapes you as a person.

Discipline builds your character.

This is one of the greatest benefits that arise from the body transformation process. Yet, it’s rarely if ever used as motivator or “powerful reason why” you should go after your physique goal with everything you’ve got. When you are facing food temptations or lacking the drive to go to the gym, reflecting on your “powerful reason why” will spark you into action.

It’s easy to give into temptation. It’s easy to skip the gym. Transforming your body, although simple, is hard work. The stronger your “powerful reason why”, the greater your chances of overcoming adversity.
This was a topic of conversation in our recent group coaching experience last week when Sarah was struggling to find her “powerful reason why”. What had worked for her in the past was no longer as meaningful as it once was. She isn’t competing, she didn’t have any meaningful life events to get leaner for, and she looks good. And that right there can be the dagger in the heart of a physique goal.

When the going gets tough it’s easy to look in the mirror and think, “I look good enough. Especially compared to most of the population.” Next thing you know, you are settling for less than your best. You’re falling into the trap of mediocrity.

Ewwww! I choked on my own vomit just typing that word. And if the mere mention of the word mediocrity makes your stomach churn, you can use it to help keep you focused and on track. The thought of mediocrity alone can often times be enough to spark me into action. It’s tied into my “powerful reason why”.

Being a positive role model and setting an example for my son and daughter is a huge driving force to me. The last thing I want is for them to see me settling for the status quo. Coasting through life while doing just enough to get by.

No! I want them to see that I give the best of myself to everything I do. Not just the big things, but the little things as well. I want them to see how I make the absolute most out of the gifts I’ve been granted.

Most important, I want them to see how the act of discipline continues to shape the person I’ve become. I want them to see beyond the physical transformation. That as nice as it is to have a lean and muscular body, the real value and reward is in the lifestyle that shapes the body.

   Each time you resist temptation, it builds your character.
   Each time you fuel your body with nutrient rich foods, it builds your character.
   Each time you step outside of your comfort zone and crank out a few more reps even though it feels like your muscles are on fire and your skin is about to split from the crazy pump, it builds your character.

   Each time you get up and go for a walk instead of dropping your ass in the lazy-boy recliner, it builds your character.

   Each time you block out the distractions around you and focus on the task at hand in this present moment, it builds your character.

This is why I place so much emphasis on becoming process driven rather that outcome oriented. When you focus on the discipline, the goal takes care of itself. And you end up gaining so much more than an impressive looking physique. You gain personal growth.

My “powerful reason why” I should continue transforming my physique is simply that it is congruent with who I am. Not just the muscle and abs, but the discipline it takes to continuously improve upon them. Especially now that I’m in my 40’s and progress comes at a much slower rate.

I thrive from discipline. I feel a rush when I overcome adversity. In the gym I feel exhilarated when I push through the burning sensation near the end of a set. I feel proud when I turn down temptations.

Pursuing my physique goals to the best of my abilities is all about being true to myself. I can’t think of a more powerful reason why. Well… maybe one reason. Which is hoping that the example I set will make a positive impact on others around me. That by giving my best, I help bring out the best in others. And in turn they bring out the best in others around them.

The take home message of all this, is to see the incredible value of discipline, which extends well beyond any possible outcome.

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