Monday, January 17, 2005

Big Changes

Lately, I seem to be suffering from a bit of guilt for not posting to this journal as I have promised everyone... including myself.

However, a great deal has happened in the past few weeks, and I have attempted to put my best effort where it would do the most good. Unfortunately this meant that my blog would be pushed off until I could have the time to give it the appropriate attention.

Major changes have taken place for us, and the one we have talked about... that is, the move from Seoul, Korea, back to the USA, has taken place. Well, at least most of the move has. I am here and working on reestablishing our life as we wish it. You know, the usual... find a place to live, get a car, phone, internet connection, blah, blah, blah. And once that is done to some satisfactory level, find a new job.

Well, most of the major obstacles have been cleared, so I will begin the arduous task of getting my resume out there in hopes someone will give it a look. Ha!! With the present state of the job market still in the doldrums, wish me luck. I am always cautiously optimistic. Finding new employment now is sort of like jumping on a moving train, piloted with Bush's hand on the throttle... scary!! Oh yeah… If anyone has a good idea I haven’t thought of to make this task more triumphant, I’m all ears.

So where is Sue during all of this?
She is still in Seoul, tidying up the remnants of our life there, and spending some final treasured moments with her family. It’s tough being apart, but it was the only plan we could come up with to make the best use of our energy. Thank God for new technology though. We have been having video chats with our Macs and iSight, which makes the distance between us seem less afar. Just to catch a glimpse of her smiling face (just when I need it) is all the lift I need sometimes. I’ll be glad when this separation is passed us though. I miss her more than she knows.

I plan to catch everyone up on the past few weeks (with pictures), as time permits. There is plenty to share, and I want to get it all down before the excitement of the moments remembered fade and the details become foggy. My memory is pretty good, but after all this time, my brain is getting full.

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