Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Sky Captain in Hong Kong

SkyCaptain, originally uploaded by tgolamb.

While we were in Hong Kong we had an opportunity to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

If you like comic books and the old black and white serials, this movie might be for you. It was an interesting look back at the way films were made, but I think they were trying to do too much.

I really enjoyed parts of it. Some of the aspects of the film were well done, especially the way they attempted to use old technology of the time to do clever things. However, they introduced some things into the film that just popped in and out without any explanation, and really didn't add to the overall story.
Because of the washed out color nature of the film and the fuzziness of the scenes, it was hard to tell where CGI came into play, but I'm sure there was plenty.

I walked away from the film not able to decide whether I liked it or not. I'll probably watch it again sometime on DVD to take a closer look.

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