Monday, September 13, 2004

Meet the kids

boys, originally uploaded by tgolamb.

I have two sons, Reuben and Aaron (in chronological order). I sometimes call them my heinous offspring, however they are really anything but. Of course they are typical kids. Now that I'm living away from them, getting them to write to me is like pushing a refrigerator up a ladder. I guess I was basically the same when I was that age (although I refuse to remember it). It's just that now that I'm in the position of the parent, my expectations have changed.
My God!... I HAVE turned into my father.

The changing times have made it a little easier though. Even though a periodic email is still sporadic at best in coming, internet chat has saved them to a point. The time zone differences and our incompatible schedules still makes this a difficult thing to arrange, but it's always a welcome treat to be able to talk with them. We share a lot of the same interests (music, in-line skating, movies, video games, hot rods), so it's always great when we get together. I'm looking very forward to the next time.

As you can see from the pictures they are a couple of good looking boys. Reuben is in the U.S. Coast Guard, and Aaron is attending college. The inset picture gives you an idea of how far they have come in what seems like just a few years. I am truly proud of them both.

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