Thursday, September 16, 2004

Supersize me? I don't think so...

It’s Friday already, so here’s an update on the latest goings on with Sue and I.

The biggest news is that my friend Isamu Furosako, an engineer from Japan, is coming to Korea today for a week or so and plans to spend a few days with us. I met Isamu in Denver, Colorado while we were both attending classes… him to polish his English and me to teach it. We both lived in a home-stay arrangement in the same house for about a month. We got to know each other pretty well, and I really enjoyed the brief time we had to get to know each other. He visited us once in Arizona last year, before we moved to Korea, which was great. It’s a rare treat to see him, so Sue and I are looking forward to it.

Our effort on the Abs Diet is beginning to take shape (no pun intended). We have been working our way through the book, and I’ve learned a lot about eating (the good, the bad, and the ugly). The author is informal and somewhat entertaining, although there are a number of slang terms in it that I have to explain to Sue. Anyway, we have modified what and the way we eat, and are carefully tracking what we do. This is not a calorie counting food regimen, which makes it nice.

Actually we seem to eat a lot, although I don’t think we really do. It’s about eating smart at the right times and training your body’s metabolism to do it’s job. Since we started this we are never hungry, and we don’t have the cravings we used to. And for those of you who know me, you know I’ve always been a major ice cream (which we make ourselves) and cookies monster. Those desires seem to be on the back burner now, and I don’t even think about them. It’s too early in the process to tell much, but I can already say that I like the way it makes me feel. More on this later when there’s something to report.

Our workouts are going well, although I really toasted my legs on Monday. That has made the Taebo sessions this week an exercise in controlled torture. I got through them OK, but thought Sue might have to carry me back to our apartment. I’m basically back to normal now, so it’s time to go back and do it again. Cowabunga!!

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