Sunday, November 07, 2004

Back in Arizona

Sue and I have been in Arizona for a couple of days now, and in some ways it feels like we've never left. Not much has changed, but the environment has a different feel to it. Staying in a hotel in my own home town feels strange to be sure.

One of the things we didn't expect is that the change in climate has left both of us quite dehydrated most of the time. We have had to increase our intake of fluids, but so far it hasn't helped a lot. We both still feel like we need to drink more to get our systems back in balance.

We took a break from looking at future apartments the other day and went to see the new movie "The Incredibles." Funny movie. Animation has come a long way, but the humor translates fine. I'm sure the subtle adult humor is something that passes most kids by, just as it did me when I was young, but all the kids in the theater seemed to enjoy it as much as we did.

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